Determining someone’s feelings can be challenging, as individuals express emotions differently. However, here are nine possible signs that may suggest someone has no feelings for you:

  1. Lack of Communication: They rarely initiate conversations or show little interest in communicating with you.
  2. Minimal Effort: They put in minimal effort to spend time with you or to engage in activities that are important to you.
  3. Absence of Emotional Connection: They don’t share personal experiences or open up about their feelings with you.
  4. Limited Support: They are unavailable or unsupportive when you need emotional or practical support.
  5. Disinterest in Your Life: They show little curiosity or concern about your life, dreams, goals, or achievements.
  6. Lack of Intimacy: They shy away from physical or emotional intimacy, avoiding any form of closeness or affection.
  7. Prioritizing Others: They consistently prioritize others over you, disregarding your needs or desires.
  8. Unresponsiveness: They take a long time to respond to your messages or calls, or they consistently ignore them.
  9. Lack of Future Plans: They avoid discussing or making future plans with you, indicating a lack of commitment or investment in the relationship.

Remember, these signs are not definitive proof that someone has no feelings for you. It’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner to understand their perspective and address any concerns you may have.

15 Key Ingredients for a Stronger Connection

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